Pushing Passap pushers

This post is for Passap users only.

Do you know what this is? The object to the left of the quarter? If you're a quilter, you probably know. I am not. I don't even know how a quilter would use it, though I can imagine. It's called a Quilter's Finger Guard. I saw it about a month ago in a local fabric shop and it occurred to me that it might be a very good tool for moving Passap pushers in and out from behind the blocking rail and for setting the pushers in work or rest positions.

I was right. I can wear it on my index finger with the long plastic side protecting my finger tip. It's then possible to easily set individual pushers in the desired position. No More Sore Fingertips!

But then I came up with a better solution...

Have you ever noticed that the black 3-prong tool is shorter than the grey 3-prong tool? I always thought it had something to do with using the tools for crossing cables. Perhaps some people find it easier to cross the short tool over the long tool. Or something like that.

Last week I noticed that the black tool handle has a little indentation, a shallow notch of sorts. Turns out that the black tool handle is a most excellent single pusher mover. That little notch fits perfectly in front of or behind  the pusher foot. The handle provides leverage. Why did I never discover this before? Why did no one ever tell me?
Lowering the contrast helps only a little bit with the detail of the black tool in this pic. Click to enlarge.
I read a discussion on Ravelry a while ago. Passap knitters were lamenting their sore fingertips. I felt their pain -- literally. Now I have a solution and can't find the discussion thread. Passap knitters want to know. If you ever come across the thread, please provide a link to this post. :)


  1. Thank you so much! I had noticed the notch but always thought it was just decorative... LOL

    1. You're welcome! So glad you find this helpful!

  2. well isn't that handy! could I please have your permission to post this in our group newsletter? its the Carolina MK Guild. We will send you a complimentary copy of the newsletter you are published in!
    BJ4crafts at hot mail dot com

    1. Hi BJ, I've just sent you an email. So happy you find the tip handy. :)

  3. LoL, I figured this out within the first 5 minutes of using my Passap DM80 for the first time.


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