Progressing slowly

In between meeting and talking and preparing for the major renovations which will soon happen to my building in general and to my living/work space in particular, I managed to squeeze in a bit of knitting last week. Not a lot of knitting, but I managed to get a little familiar with knitting CAD (Designaknit 8), and I knitted the front of "that sweater". The new sweater design is my vehicle for learning some of the many features of this robust program. And yes, that's right. I'm using a vintage, non-electronic Passap DM-80 punchcard machine with state-of-the-art software. Go figure.

Here are some pics of the sweater-in-progress:
This is the Front Bottom, removed from the Passap DM-80 on decker combs.

A sneak peek from another angle this time, the Front Bottom is now attached to the Front Top and steam blocked.
ETA sweater reference link


  1. Wow this looks great! Looking forward to the finished project & it's awesome that Creativity reigns in light of the construction upheavals!

  2. You're going to laugh...and it's ok...I'm laughing a bit too.
    I believe we met on Knitchat but I hadn't "stalked" you much beyond Twitter. I came to peek (and now I have to go read more!), but I have to note - this is Stunning! I was perusing the last few posts I first thought "Cool pictures". "Oh, machine knitter." then "Serious machine knitter". And then (as I got a clue) "OMG she designed knit all of these!?!"

    This reminds me of when I took my first class from Heather Ordover (before I'd listened to her podcast) and the more we talked I began to suspect something. I told her "I begin to suspect you are a great deal more famous than I realize."
    I suspect that phrase applies to you as well. {grin}

    I have to go explore your sites a bit more {whilst on the treadmill ;-)} but - this is very spiffy stuff!
    Thanks again.

    1. Yes. I recall chatting with you on #knitchat. Thanks for the kind words.


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