Progressing slowly (cut and sew)

In the midst of planning for the temporary relocation of my studio and other related tasks (See Progressing slowly.), I've managed to work on that long-ago cast-on shell. This project lacks continuity: I work a few minutes here, a few minutes there.

The scope of the work has taken a turn.  The shell was always going to be for me, but I failed to complete it in time for the event I was knitting it for. I have since decided to use this sweater as a learning project -- first, as a way to become familiar with some new (to me) knitting software and now to practice cut-and-sew methods for an upcoming project. (See Cut & Sew and Fully Fashioned under "Machine Knitting".) I'm using a zigzag sewing machine. (There is a serger in my future, but not until after all the packing and moving, moving back again and unpacking.)

Almost all the garments I've designed have been fully fashioned knits. I have occasionally steeked a neckline, but honestly, I've never minded knitting a fully fashioned neckline, even on complicated designs. 

And so I've practiced. With my numerous swatches I sewed a "t-shirt neckline" and a neck facing as described in Revised Knit, Cut and Sew: Bk. 1by Pam Turbett. It's not impossible without a serger, just challenging. Neither of these treatments are appropriate for my upcoming project and so I came up with a couple more finishes that may work for the upcoming project and another one to use on this shell.

What happened next I can't explain, except to say it was late at night. I got the chance to cut the knitted fabric for my neckband. I ended up cutting the fabric for version 3 of the neckband instead of version 4! Since I'm the one knitting the fabric, I could have reknitted and cut it correctly, but I didn't. I proceeded with the wrong neckband.
Still unbocked and the center is a little stretched out, I'm hoping it will all work out in the blocking.  I'm glad this is just a "practice sweater".
In my imagination neckband version 4 would have been perfect. But who knows? I do like the way the style works with the ruffles at the bottom.

Next time I get the chance, I'll be doing the bands for the armscye with yet a different technique. What I have gained is a little more experience with cut and sew methods. And I've learned not to work with scissors past 10:00 PM.

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