An accidental hat, part 2

This post is a continuation of An accidental hat, part 1.

Here is the hat that started as a scarf. Yes, it's a woman's hat now.

Once the fabric was removed from the machine, it was very clear that it was DudeLaceFail. But I loved the fabric. Time for a little redesign! Picking up stitches, I rehung the fabric on the needles at about an inch from the edge. I then knitted a new wide band of ribbing. Turning up a brim with the main fabric would reveal the back of the material.

The offending narrow band of ribbing-gone-ruffly was gathered at one end to create a pom-pom.

In the picture below, you can see how the racking in the fabric creates small scallops at the bind off edge. I'm hoping to eliminate these with a tighter bind off when I finally knit the DudeLace scarf.

Although visible in person, the lace effect of the hat fabric disappears considerably in all but the close-up, especially when Blanche LaTĂȘte is the model!

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