Between the zig and the zag

I received some very nice comments on my zigzig swatch recently posted on the O! Jolly! Facebook page. I knitted that particular swatch on a Dubied v-bed hand flat machine in my Knit Design Principles and Technology class.  I decided to duplicate it on my Passap machine at home.

A funny thing happened. Instead of getting a stitch pattern like this:
Crisp, well-defined zigs and zags; parallel ladder rungs (from the needles left out of work)

I got this:
Mini zigzags and crisscrossed ladder rungs
Big difference? Yeah.

I remembered that the Passap knitting machine manual provided a version of this racking technique, so I decided to research my mistake there. The knitting instructions were virtually the same as my instructions from class. The mistake must be in my knitting.

Basically, the pattern is this: In full fisherman's rib (a/k/a full cardigan) *Knit 1 row, rack 1 needle in one direction; knit 1 row, rack back;* repeat a bunch of times, then knit 1 row, rack a needle, knit 1 row don't rack back. This creates the zig. To create the zag, just start from the beginning. 

Honestly, I still don't quite know where I made my mistake. I barely understand why this creates a zigzag. I turned to my bible a/k/a Susanna E. Lewis & Julia Weissman's A Machine Knitter's Guide to Creating Fabrics: the horizontal herringbone pattern; if you rack one needle left, then one needle right with one row between rackings, the stitches on both faces of the fabric will slant in the same direction, and create a bias fabric. To change the direction of the bias, knit one row without racking after it, to put the carriage on the opposite side and break the sequence....

I reknitted and got this:

Yes, what I wanted!

This is not one of those posts where I present a problem and then happily provide a solution. I'm just beginning to understand why racking "one needle left, then one needle right with one row between rackings" creates a bias. It bugs me that I don't know where I made my error the first time. I do believe that I did the non-racking row correctly. But I am getting a clue to my error from information presented later on in the racking chapter of the Lewis/Weissman book. My guess is that I must pay more attention to the relationship between the direction I rack and the bed on which I tuck. In other words I may have been too sloppy in translating directions. It's not just racking "one direction;" it may depend on where the tucks are. Or maybe not.

Any serious machine knitters reading this? Your comments would be very much appreciated.


  1. Not sure I'm serious enough! ;P It looks to me like you racked every row on the incorrect sample. It's the FAILING to rack that changes the bias of the knitting - so when you want it to turn, you don't rack for one pass, and then you carry on racking where you left off.

    So you go *(rack left, knit, rack right, knit,) repeat a number of times, knit 1 row (bias row). Rep from * to end. (next rack is left)

  2. Thanks, steel breeze, for your response! Hmmm... I may have to reproduce my mistake to get a thorough understanding of this! :)


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