A busy month

February was a very busy month.  I can happily report that I am now thoroughly reacquainted with my Passap knitting machine and am feeling quite comfortable missing, tucking, purling, and of course, knitting.  I've completed a group of swatches in luxurious baby alpaca, merino wool, and bamboo, which will form the basis of my accessories collection.  I can't wait to start knitting it up next week.

I also had a photo session for some sweater jackets from an earlier project.  It's not quite what I'm doing now, but it was fun modeling the jackets. Here are some pix from the session.
Bracelet by Jacquie Bird (SilkWire Jewelry)

I continue to be amazed and inspired by the many innovative textiles I see around me -- in the museums, in the shops, and online.  I plan to share some of these finds next post.

Oh, and in case you hadn't noticed:  Knitting. Is. Back.


  1. I am just LOVING those jackets!! I really enjoy reading about your textile finds...I'm learning a lot from you.

  2. These jackets are stunning! Love to see more of your work. Cheers, Daryl

  3. Kate M., your kind words are much appreciated!
    Daryl, thank you! More work will be posted in the near future.

  4. Your jackets are stunning indeed! Thank you so much for the link! :-)


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